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Friday, August 19, 2016

Market for Murder, S5E4

This was an okay episode. I suspected who the killer was early on, but then the various red herrings made me doubt. Watching it the second time around was more enjoyable as all the clues are easier to decipher after the fact.There was some good acting here with a couple of decent characters. The ending with the reveal was interesting, and even the motives made a bit of sense to me, however psychotic, you shouldn't laugh at or belittle a delusional woman! 

There's a few funny bits between Tom and Troy as Tom worries about his pension whilst Troy's silly interest in comic books ends up with a huge payout! Joyce kindly tells Tom, "Leave it to the experts, dear," when he can't make sense of his retirement fund jargon. 

Several shots of the grand building exteriors are here (mostly of the same ones at different angles), although the interiors were few and far in between...

That's it for S5E4. For more info, check out IMDb (which actually lists this episode as S5E1).

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