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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Things that Go Bump in the Night, S8E1

If the ridiculous title isn't enough to warn you off from watching this episode, allow me to do so. Directed by Peter Smith and written by Peter Hammond, the first episode of Midsomer's eighth season was terrible, almost unbearable. The characters, though well-acted, were a bunch of delirious and demented dummies. The pace was too slow with the dialogue seeming repetitive. From viewing it on Netflix over my iPhone, the film appeared too dark and grainy. Filmed in The Manor House, Frogmore Lane, Long Crendon in Buckinhamshire as well as Quainton Railway Station, Quainton and set in Fletcher's Cross, S8E1 included a few worthwhile moments, and several upon several ridiculous moments. Topping the list of the worst was the scene of the nude backside of the elderly maniac murderer. The ghosts of those long since dead were nothing compared to the haunting horror of what was that utterly unnecessary piece. The deaths were disturbing as well, particularly the view of the train track victim being carried away. It seems that the more demented and graphic the episode, the less appealing it is.

The Barnaby family has yet another new home, which caught my eye. Scroll to stroll. Bonus commentary to follow.


My face while watching this episode:

A funny shot of the lying, cheating medium shrouded in the steam of a train. Yes, she may be the medium, but she's no match for the REAL thing! 

WARNING: Sick freaks in this episode. Do not watch! 

Now to something more charming. Joyce has gone out to a restaurant with a friend, leaving Tom to fend for himself in the kitchen. First he fumbles with the can opener, then he finds a dirty pot in the sink to dump the contents of whatever's in that pink can, Ha! At least his new kitchen is nice looking.

Even more amusing, Sgt Scott gets his "stones" read at the festival. His stone turns out to represent those who travel or move. Is this a foreshadowing of Dan's departure from Midsomer?

Tom gives Dan some actual praise about his interview technique! He then asks Scott if he "wants to go back" to the Met in the big city? Scott says No, and Barnaby is pleased to hear it. But those of us who've seen the entire series knows...the clock on Scott is ticking...

Poor Joyce suffers a lot in this episode. She is being watched by a creepy lurker as she goes to visit her friend in the dark of night. Then just seconds after Joyce leaves, that friend is murdered, hit in the head as the shot turns into some vibrating voodoo who do...

Joyce just can't believe it!

Then the poor dear has to return to the scene of the crime as she realizes how close she was to a cold-blooded freaky killer!

But let's forget that trauma for a bit to take notice of this lovely scene of tuba and trumpets, playing to the tune of the Midsomer Murders' theme...Ha, good one, folks!

And now back to dear old Joyce. There's a ridiculous scene at the end when she seems to have a vision of the ghostly fire and screams she'd heard in the seance. She quickly comes to her senses and sighs, knowing that she's safe with her husband, Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby! And good-night! Sweet dreams, Joyce. You're gonna need 'em! 

Let us too put this episode to rest as we hope for better in S8E2...

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