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Friday, July 24, 2020

Country Matters, S9E6

Oh no. Oh dear. Oh heavens, no! A group of women selling sex for money? No, not my cup of tea. One, a mother, a widow, starts the "business" in order to pay for her daughter's posh school, just as said child skips school to chug on stolen lager and smoke in dark barns? what. am. i. watching? Oh wait. Oh yes. There they are--Barnaby and Jones. Now I feel safer among all these elicit affairs. Well, maybe not around Jones, with his mouth agape, young blood that he is. Ok, so what's next? Oh, yet another scene of whips and role play--we get the point, sheesh! And now...a bit of drivel about a grocery store, a fight, and poisoned topsoil? I've stopped listening. Well, hold on, not entirely--I hear the grand voice of Detective Tom Barnaby, the voice of dignity and justice! I can sit through anything, through moral depravity and scattered talk, anything for that voice and handsome mug, so charming in his winter coat and scarf. Wait, hold on, no, no, no--stop. Our main man is being mooned...and not in any innocent prank. Oh, it's too much. And it's almost over; was there even a murder here? Oh yes, what? A stroke? A beating? Paralysis and stabbing? It's too much. It's not enough. Well, hold the phone again....Jane and Tom in unexpected hilarious bit at the end---priceless and worth every minute! Anyhow....the scenery in this episode is typically quaint...the weather seems cold and brisk...quite refreshing in any plot. 

Scroll all the way down for a few bonus funny bits, and for more of them, check me out on Instagram, HERE




The man

The suit

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Four Funerals and a Wedding, S9E5

You got it folks, there are 4 funerals and 1 wedding in this episode. But we neither care for the departed or the beloved who gather. I rate it a C for Choppy & Convoluted Cast of Characters. Maybe I should rate it an F for Feuds, Fairs, Feminists, and Funerals--all of those Fine in and of themselves--but when combined, Fall Flat. Hmm..but I could be persuaded to rate it a C for Charismatic Charmers for indeed the two stars shine a light on this otherwise dull plot (would've been better to focus on the history of the fire at Marwood rather then the contrived men vs. women angle). Anyway, let's focus on the positives. Ahh...and with its backdrop of cold, blustery winds amid graveyards at night and eerie tense bell tolls, it's not a bad way to spend an afternoon, especially on 2nd or 3rd viewing after you realize who and why and what and where...only revealed in the last few scenes. But it is worth the wait of course, thanks to the regular cast, ever calm, ever kooky, Barnaby and Jones (with bonus Bullard, Cully, and Joyce-and Joyce's mum too!). Loads of beautiful buildings and scenery in this one. Check the details here on IMDB. Scroll all the way down for a few bonus funny bits, and for more of them, check me out on Instagram, HERE