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Friday, July 15, 2016

Dark Autumn, S4E5.

Troy falls for Jay, a female officer on the case of the murder plot. Little does he know, she's brokenhearted from a previous relationship with a man who turned out to be a player among all the women and by the way, the first man to be murdered! Well I guess Troy has to fall for someone since Cully is who knows where this season, and his little flings with those older women who flirt with him are surely doomed, haha! The killer was a surprise at the end, which is a good thing in a way, but his motives were far too psychotic to have been guessed by anyone on the face of the planet. 

Beautiful scenery here. There are many times when an actor is blocking the majority of the view which always bothers me since I can't get a clear screenshot at those times. But I make do with it and can still give a sense of the land or home that's good enough for the blog. Enjoy!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Who Killed Cock Robin, S4E4.

This episode had some interesting and well-acted characters, but it just fell a bit flat for me. Joyce and Tom are seen eating a meal at home discussing Cully's upcoming birthday. Joyce accompanies Tom to a pub by a lovely little pond with ducks, but is again left alone while Tom follows up on a hunch. They also go shopping together at a cute little shop called Bits and Baubles.

The killers' motives are of greed and revenge, but the murder plot itself is drab.

Lovely English scenery here including large estates and horses and expensive interiors...


Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Electric Vendetta, S4E3.

This is a boring episode in my opinion. It begins with a dull scene that is a flashback of two young men in an actual duel with swords. This scene comes into play much later in the episode and is unrelated to the main murder plot (and even when it's explained it is not impressive). The topic of crop circles does not interest me, the characters are unappealing, and the motive and methods for the killings are weak and shallow. 

There is a slightly amusing bit about Barnaby and Troy being locked in a home. They are trapped within an electrified room, which brings up its own logical holes--but it's still funny.

There is a naked dead body and some ugly characters (both physically and morally) fooling around which were utterly gross. 

Joyce is briefly seen attending a lecture with Barnaby and then at the end for a minute. No Cully so far in this entire season, unfortunately. No Cully means less family time, which I definitely miss. 

Regardless of all of the negatives, it's worth a watch for the lovely exteriors and interiors typical of this series...